Event Details
Posted on 04 May 2020
Launch of the Global Commission on Drug Policy 2020 report, Enforcement of drug laws: refocusing on organized crime elites.
Former heads of state and other high-level dignitaries explain how decades of repression targeted at nonviolent drug offences resulted in mass incarceration and countless adverse impacts on public health, the rule of law, and social cohesion, whilst reinforcing criminal elites.
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About the Global Commission
The Global Commission on Drug Policy was established in 2011 by political leaders, cultural figures, and globally influential personalities from the financial and business sectors. The Commission currently comprises 26 members, including 14 former Heads of State or Government and five Nobel Prize laureates. Its mission is to promote evidence-based drug policy reforms at international, national and regional levels. These reforms must also address issues of public health, social integration and security, with strict regard for human rights. The Commission carries out this role in particular through the publication of reports providing detailed, evidence-based policy recommendations and including the Commission’s opinions, as well as other targeted reports, opinion pieces, interactions and advocacy with government officials and intergovernmental organizations, in collaboration with civil society leaders.