Posted on 07 Dec 2018
IOM’s Global Migration Data Analysis Centre released an edited volume of the “Data Bulletin Series: Informing the Implementation of the Global Compact for Migration” ahead of the Intergovernmental Conference to Adopt the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, taking place in Marrakesh on 10-11 December 2018.
This edited volume contains 17 Data Bulletins produced by IOM as well as external experts and partner agencies. It spans a broad range of topics covered by the Global Compact for Migration, highlighting currently available data sources as well as data gaps and challenges relevant to each of them. Each Data Bulletin contains illustrative examples of initiatives and recommendations of investments needed to strengthen the evidence base underpinning the respective thematic area. This collection is meant to provide a useful resource for decision makers as they begin to think about implementation of the Global Compact for Migration and the related data needs.