Jean-Luc Peduzzi
Law enforcement attaché, Embassy of France in Senegal
Professor of Law, University Goce Delcev-Shtip
Dr. Metodi Hadji-Janev is an associate professor at the Faculty of Law at University Goce Delcev Shtip, The Military Academy General Mihailo Apostolski-Skopje and an Adjunct Faculty Member at Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering, Arizona State University, ASU, U.S.A. where he teaches various courses at graduate and postgraduate level. These include topics such as “cybercrime, cyber terrorism and cyber warfare”, “international legal aspects of cyber security and cyber defence operations”, “organized crime and corruption in cyberspace” and “cyber crisis management”.
He holds a master’s degree and Ph.D. in International Law from the Faculty of Law at “Justinian-I” in Skopje and is a graduate of U.S. Air Command and Staff College. Dr. Hadji-Janev’s current work focuses on governing (legal and strategic) and operational (procedure and protocols development including capacity building, advising and consulting) aspects of countering cyber and hybrid-based threats; geostrategic aspects of organized crime, and critical information infrastructure protection. He has more than 15 years of experience in the field of cyber security, which includes academic teaching, research project application/execution, capacity building, consulting, analysis, evaluations and audit control, security sector reforms-SSR and policy recommendations.