Join the global debate on organized crime

Bringing people from different backgrounds together to debate and dialogue effective responses to organized crime

The Global Initiative serves as a forum for influence, collaboration, coordination and expertise. This is a shared space, where frank debate can take place, experiences can be shared, connections can be developed across institutional lines and support can be sought by all affected by the impact of organized crime.

Physical and mailing address


Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime

Avenue de France 23 Geneva, CH-1202 Switzerland


The Global Initiative - Verein gegen transnationale organisierte Kriminalität

Wohllebengasse 4/4, 1040 Vienna, Austria

Cape Town

The Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime

South Africa


The Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime

Level 7, Lyons Range, Bisazza Street, Sliema, SLM1651, Malta

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